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Blogging Could Be Hazardous to Your Work
William Slawski highlights a couple of stories that should invoke a moment of pause as we consider how to go forward with our blogging efforts.
One of the recommendations that we left participants with was the directive to start their own weblogs and experience the weblog community before doing a full frontal we-must-blog-now assualt on their respective corporations. There are resources like this blogging tutorial that can help you get started quickly.
However, blogging about one's work is a touchy subject that's not likely to get any less attention in 2005. There's possibly some good to blogging about your work, and there's potentially some bad to it also: Looming pitfalls of work blogs
The companion BBC article involves a police office and an emergency medical technician, who explain why they blog about their jobs.
[via A Nasty Bit of Business]
Posted by Dana VanDen Heuvel in Putting Blogs to Work | Permalink
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