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Great Google Rankings but Nowhere in Technorati

A question was recently posed via email; “How do the blog search engines (TechnoratiFeedster) search and why is my blog not coming up when I get great Google rankings for the same words?”

Being a leader in the space Scott Rafer of Feedster could likely shed more light on this, but I’ll give it a shot.

The blog engines work differently than a regular search engines. Google, Yahoo, MSN and the like, use "spiders" that constantly look for new pages and updates. Most blog engines wait for you to submit your URL. Also keep in mind some of them are directories not algorithmic engines.

There are primarily two things you can do to include yourself in these sites. The First is to sign up for an account if they offer it. The second (and best) thing to do is to "PING" them. They will give you an address for that. Put it in the appropriate box in your blog’s preferences. A great service for notifying several blog engines/directories every time you update is Ping-O-Matic.

Hope this helps!

Posted by Wayne in Putting Blogs to Work | Permalink


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If for some reason your blog isn't getting picked up you can always manually add it. The form for submitting your feed to Feedster is at:


and Technorati is at:


Once you get your feed into Feedster we'll automatically check it periodically. Having a tool that supports pings will ensure the information is fresh, but your updates will make it in there either way. I think Technorati operates the same way.

Posted by: Mike Rowehl | Mar 14, 2005 7:53:57 PM

Ah, the wonders of trackback. I replied in detail and linked to this post, but it didn't show up here.

Posted by: Scott Rafer | Mar 17, 2005 7:14:55 PM

The issue is more than likely related to how the search results are ordered. If you are sorting by date, which makes sense for blogs due to the their timely nature, you are getting the most recent posts, not the most relevant posts, for a search. This has an equalizing effect: even less popular bloggers get prime positioning for specific terms, but also means that popular sites will not always come out on top.

Posted by: Greg Gershman | Mar 17, 2005 8:19:07 PM

Greg is right for the moment. I'll do another post in the next couple of days on our indexing and search. We're moving from a date-ordered default sort order to a relevancy-ordered sort order in the next couple of months as the market now seems to need. You can opt for relevancy ordering now, but it's bare-minimum relevancy at the moment. We're changing that based on unique metadata on feed-relevancy that we have collected before making the changeover.

I just wanted to provide the full picture by starting with data collection.

Posted by: Scott Rafer | Mar 18, 2005 11:57:09 AM

Thanks Scott, I'll look out for that post. As a Feedster user I'm excited to hear of the upcoming relevancy update.

Posted by: Wayne | Mar 18, 2005 12:09:41 PM

Thanks for the plug for Ping-O-Matic. If you're in the bay area for the upcoming AMA blog event drop me a note and we should grab lunch.

Posted by: Matt | Apr 4, 2005 2:26:18 PM

Matt, a number of the speakers will be attending a Blog Marketing "wonk" (like this one) right after the San Francisco presentaion on April 28th. I'll drop you a note when the location is selected.

Posted by: Wayne | Apr 4, 2005 7:25:57 PM

Here are several other resources for pings/blog submissions:
Thomas Korte feed submission
Robin Good's list - for manual submissions
RSS Submit software - maybe the best of all but it's not free.

Posted by: Lee Odden | Apr 22, 2005 2:16:13 PM

We will look out for that post.
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